Education is important not only for development of one's personality, but also for the sustained growth of nation. It is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation as a whole hinges. Globally the Education sector is a fast growing industry and there is a lot of demand for Schools to manage the day-to-day administrative business in effective way.
Statistically, India has more than 1.4 million schools with over 227 million students enrolled. The education sector in India is poised to witness major growth in the years to come as India will have world’s largest tertiary-age population and second largest graduate talent pipeline globally by the end of 2020.
There is an immense need of Information Technology for the Schools/Institutions to improve, control, track and analyze to maintain a competitive edge of their educational business. Choice Solutions Limited’s edTheSIS is a next generation integrated solution that has a complete list of powerful modules and features that enables schools to easily administer their core business activities.
edTheSIS is an elegant, innovative and intuitive – School, Staff & Student Management System - An Educational ERP with Cloud based Solution. It has been designed in such a way that the stakeholders can manage the System dynamically as per the changing educational needs and challenges. edTheSIS leverages Management, Staff/Teachers, Students, Parents and other non-teaching staff to effectively and efficiently manage the information with a flexible, easy navigation and rich user interface capabilities.